Building Bridges and enabling partnerships

“Building Bridges … Enabling Partnerships” in collaboration with various organisations and corporates to share challenges in the development sector and also provide linkages to the partner NGOs. To share and address challenges being faced by the Development Sector, DST has collaborated with:


DST has worked in partnership with PAIRVI on Climate Change and has played an active role in macro-micro linkages, sharing national and sub national policies with small grassroots organizations and community based groups to enhance their understanding on Climate Change.


VANI has promoted independent state chapters to bring together CSOs/ VDOs in Maharashtra. Members of VANI from Maharashtra have initiated MAHAVAN ( Maharashtra Voluntary Action Network) as an informal forum of Voluntary Development Organizations to share knowledge, strengthen organizations and negotiate with Public (Government) and (Private) Corporate sector on equal partnerships. DST is working at the Pune District level to support this network and create an enabling environment through collaborations and cooperation.

Enabling Partnerships: Entrepreneur- Community Women

Development Support Team, Pune has partnered with

    • Ishanya Foundation, Pre-Diwali Yellow Ribbon NGO Fair is an annual event- a platform where the NGOs and the SHGs can showcase and sell products made as a part of their income generation activities and generate awareness about the work done by them. Our community women set up a food stall and won the Best Stall Award!
    • PARAMA NATURALS, an endeavour “to help improve the beauty and health of people using natural products” to provide sustainable livelihood opportunities to Community women. Since its inception, Parama Naturals have been providing sustained livelihood opportunity to community women by sourcing the paper bags and the cloth pouches made by them and giving them a fair price for their products. Read more...